Minnesota author J. Lynn Else told an Authority Magazine interviewer this week:
Gowing up in the 80s and 90s, while a big fan of sci fi and fantasy, there weren’t a lot of female characters to identify with. The females typically lacked depth, didn’t have a lot of agency, or simply were there as a romantic interest. As I started developing my fantasy trilogy, I wanted to create a cast of female characters who were all different.
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Check out a special interview with Genie, Whit, and Mei on their hunt to rescue Beth. Set during "Descendants of Avalon," find out what they have to say here: Genie, Whit, and Mei (of Descendants of Avalon, by J. Lynn Else) – The Protagonist Speaks
"Sheer fantasy, spun by a talented author continues a series that will appeal to young readers – and their magic-hungry older flock! This is one delightful novel, worthy of exploring. Recommended."
See full review HERE.
Lost Daughters of Avalon (Awakenings) by J. Lynn Else is one of the
best fantasy book for teen or adult readers to check out — new and classic tales alike, this story have everything from fantasy to mythical creatures, fantastical worlds to magic that lives in our
own reality.
Towards the end, I found some of the most beautiful words of love I've read in a while, so much that I had to stop
and write them down in my reading journal.
See full review HERE.
I was taken in – hook, line, and sinker – from the opening to the last sentence of this story.
As a lover of magical and fantasy fiction, the appeal of this story is immediate. It is not so much a modernization of the King Arthur tales, but a continuation of the story. The world of Avalon has been alive and well through the centuries, and the author melds the modern world of the four young women into the tales of knights and wizards with an ease that makes it feel not only plausible, but natural as well.
See full review HERE.
Overall, this book is about faith, love, family, duty, and sacrifice. I thought that all the characters were very realistic. I thought that this novel was very fast-paced and full of action.
The Forgotten: Heir of the Heretic is a thought-provoking read that will linger with you long after you have read the last page.
See full review: The Forgotten: Heir of the Heretic by J. Lynn Else: A Book Review (